Success Story - From Scratch to Finish of 2000sq.ft. premium showroom in under 90 days
A regional brand leader in ethnic clothing and fabrics, Priyadarshini serves its customers through its multiple brick and mortar outlets in Odisha. It looks to create a richer and more immersive retail experience for its customers by modernizing its store designs and elevate its brand.
They were looking to remodel an entire store of about 2000 sq. ft. at the same time, keeping their subsequent floors on-site operational. They needed a strong brand concept and on time and budget delivery in under 90 days.
They were looking forward to a grand opening in the coming Diwali season of 2016.
Ongrid.The design had to approach this problem in two folds, first create a concept of design that could be communicated through Walktroughs and 3D views and mobilize the labour force to begin work on site.
Day 01 - 10
Our team held back to back visualization session that helped communicate the design values and their tangible advantages in the initial days.
In the first week, we managed to clear out the old setting and set up a base 3D model that held all the necessary information to communicate with various team heads involved in the execution.
Day 10-40
The entire work on-site was in full swing attending various services on-site to accommodate the electrical, HVAC ( Ventilation and Cooling ), Security and Civil.
Day 40-75
The teams started dispatching components that were being prepared off-site in parallel to work on site. It was possible to work on multiple parts of the project because we utilized the Base 3d model to incorporate all data aspects of the project. In other words, the model we created stored information like wall, floor, areas heights, material. The model was quickly sharable, which allowed all team members to access information relevant to their work.
Day 75- 90
We were closing in to the final handover as we built and fixed to the last millimetre's precision. The final handover was on Day 87, on September 25th, 2016.
The entire team of Ongrid.Design is exciting to be involved in this project as it pushed our Design and Project Management expertise to a whole new horizon.
But the Story of Design doesn't end here. These are a few more benefits that our design has provided over the store's long-term life.
'Everything New feels Fresh, but everything good stays fresh.'
Our design included a product-centric lighting design that corrected the illuminance of the showroom and the lighting temperature. We saw a store visit of a visitor going up from an avg—16:00 minutes to 28:00minitutes.
The store managed to reduce it's utility bills from 34,000 INR a month to 23,000INR.
What does all of this mean in a design context?
To summarize, our design helped solve the core problem by making them a whole new showroom and kept our strategy focused on generating more revenue for them and reducing their fixed costs.
If you ever hire a designer to build you a home or your workspace. Look to align your long-term goals and not just the four walls' colour like saving on operating, maintenance and renewal costs.