Indian Kitchen Lighting Trends - Brighten Up Your Space

How to Brighten Up Your Kitchen with stylish lighting?

The kitchen is one of the most important and frequently used rooms in any home. It is not only a place where we cook and eat but also a place where we socialise, work, and relax. Therefore, having good kitchen lighting is essential for creating a comfortable, functional, and inviting space.

However, many Indian apartment owners struggle with their kitchen lighting, as they face various challenges such as:

  • Lack of natural light
  • Insufficient task lighting
  • Outdated fixtures
  • High energy consumption

These problems can affect the mood, productivity, and safety of the people who use the kitchen, as well as the appearance and value of the home.

Fortunately, there are many ways to improve the kitchen lighting and transform the space into a bright, beautiful, and efficient area. In this article, we will provide an overview of the latest trends in kitchen lighting for Indian apartments and how they can help you solve common lighting problems. We will also give you some tips and ideas on choosing and installing the best lighting options for your kitchen.


Key Takeaway

  • Kitchen lighting affects mood, productivity, safety, appearance, and value.
  • Common problems are lack of natural light, insufficient task lighting, outdated fixtures, and high energy consumption.
  • Possible solutions are upgrading, replacing, or adding new lighting fixtures.
  • The latest trends are plaster lighting, pendant lighting, and architectural lighting.
  • Tips and ideas are consulting a professional interior designer, researching online, using a layered lighting scheme, and choosing energy-efficient bulbs.

Why is Kitchen Lighting Important?

  • It enhances the mood, health, and well-being of the people who use the kitchen, as natural light can boost serotonin levels and reduce stress and depression.
  • They are improving the visibility, accuracy, and safety of the tasks and activities in the kitchen, as task lighting can prevent eye strain, accidents, and errors.
  • They are updating the look and feel of the kitchen, as modern and stylish fixtures can match the decor and theme of the space.
  • You are saving energy and money, as energy-efficient and bright lighting can reduce the electricity bills and environmental impact.

What are the Common Kitchen Lighting Problems in Indian Apartments?

According to a survey by Ongrid Design, a leading online platform for interior design services, 65% of Indian apartment owners are dissatisfied with their kitchen lighting. The survey revealed that the most common problems that they face are:




Lack of natural light

Small or no windows, too many cabinets or walls

Dull and gloomy space, low mood and health, high energy consumption

Insufficient task lighting

Inadequate or poorly placed fixtures, low brightness or quality

Difficulty to see and perform tasks, eye strain, accidents, errors

Outdated fixtures

Old-fashioned or worn-out fixtures, mismatched style and theme

Dull space, low value and appeal, high energy consumption and heat emission

High energy consumption

Inefficient or excessive lighting, incandescent or halogen bulbs, multiple fixtures

High electricity bills, environmental pollution and climate change, power outages or fluctuations

These problems can be solved by upgrading, replacing, or adding new lighting fixtures that provide adequate, appropriate, and attractive lighting for the kitchen.

How do you solve the kitchen lighting problems in Indian apartments?

The possible solutions to the kitchen lighting problems in Indian apartments are:

  • Upgrading: Upgrading is improving or enhancing the existing lighting fixtures by changing or adding some components or features, such as bulbs, shades, dimmers, or sensors. Upgrading can increase the efficiency, durability, convenience, and appearance of the lighting fixtures and save energy and money.
  • Replacing: Replacing is the process of removing or discarding old or outdated lighting fixtures and installing or adding new or modern lighting fixtures that match the style and theme of the kitchen. Replacing can update the look and feel of the kitchen and provide more versatile, flexible, and customisable lighting options.
  • Adding: Adding is the process of installing or adding more or additional lighting fixtures that complement or supplement the existing lighting fixtures and create a layered or balanced lighting scheme. Adding can provide adequate, appropriate, attractive kitchen lighting and create more ambience, mood, and interest.

Each of these solutions has its benefits and drawbacks, such as cost, durability, maintenance, and appearance, and the best solution depends on the needs and preferences of the individual apartment owner. However, regardless of the solution, the ultimate goal is to choose and install the best lighting options for the kitchen that can provide adequate, appropriate, and attractive lighting for the space.

What are the Latest Trends in Kitchen Lighting for Indian Apartments?

The most popular kitchen lighting trends in India are:

  • Plaster lighting: Plaster lighting is a type of recessed lighting embedded into the ceiling or wall, creating a seamless and smooth look. Plaster lighting can provide the soft and diffused ambient lighting that can fill the space with a warm and cosy glow. Plaster lighting can also highlight or accentuate some features or areas of the kitchen, such as the island, the cabinets, or the artwork.
  • Pendant lighting: Pendant lighting is a type of hanging lighting suspended from the ceiling by a cord, chain, or rod and creates a focal point in the space. Pendant lighting can provide bright and focused task lighting that illuminate work surfaces or dining areas. Pendant lighting can also create a stylish and elegant atmosphere, as they come in various shapes, sizes, colours, and materials.
  • Architectural lighting: Architectural lighting is a type of integrated lighting built into the kitchen's structure or design and creates a sophisticated and modern look. Architectural lighting can provide a subtle and discreet accent or decorative lighting that can enhance the beauty and character of the space. Architectural lighting can also create a dynamic and interactive lighting scheme, as smart devices or sensors can control them.

These trends can help you enhance the look and feel of your kitchen and solve common lighting problems. However, before you choose and install these lighting options, you should consider some tips and ideas on optimising your kitchen lighting.

How to Optimise Your Kitchen Lighting?

  • Consult a professional interior designer: A professional interior designer can help you plan, design, and execute the best lighting scheme for your kitchen that suits your budget, style, and needs. A professional interior designer can also help you choose the best lighting fixtures, bulbs, and accessories that are compatible, durable, and easy to install and maintain. A professional interior designer can also help you optimise the natural light and use intelligent lighting technology, such as dimmers, sensors, or timers, to enhance the convenience, functionality, and efficiency of your kitchen lighting. You can find a professional interior designer online, such as Ongrid Design, a leading online platform for interior design services that offers affordable, personalised, and hassle-free interior design solutions for your home.
  • Use a layered lighting scheme: A layered lighting scheme combines different types of lighting, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, that can provide adequate, appropriate, and attractive lighting for the kitchen. A layered lighting scheme can help you create a balanced, harmonious, and versatile one that suits different purposes, moods, and occasions. A layered lighting scheme can also help you avoid common lighting problems, such as lack of natural light, insufficient task lighting, outdated fixtures, and high energy consumption.
  • Choose energy-efficient bulbs: Energy-efficient bulbs, such as LED, CFL, or halogen bulbs, can help you save energy and money and reduce the environmental impact of your kitchen lighting. Energy-efficient bulbs can also provide better light quality and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Energy-efficient bulbs can also help you avoid common lighting problems, such as high energy consumption, heat emission, and power outages or fluctuations.


Kitchen lighting is an essential aspect of any home, as it can affect the mood, productivity, and safety of the people who use the kitchen, as well as the appearance and value of the home. However, many Indian apartment owners face various challenges with their kitchen lighting, such as a lack of natural light, insufficient task lighting, outdated fixtures, and high energy consumption.

These challenges can be overcome by choosing and installing the best lighting options for the kitchen and providing adequate, appropriate, and attractive lighting for the space. Some of the latest trends in kitchen lighting for Indian apartments are plaster lighting, pendant lighting, and architectural lighting, which can enhance the look and feel of the kitchen and solve common lighting problems.

However, before choosing and installing these lighting options, you should consider some tips and ideas on optimising your kitchen lighting, such as consulting a professional interior designer, researching online, using a layered lighting scheme, and choosing energy-efficient bulbs.

We hope this article has helped you understand the importance, problems, solutions, trends, and tips of kitchen lighting for Indian apartments and inspired you to brighten up your space. Please let us know in the comments below if you have any feedback or questions.