Advance+ Blueprints
Let our Architects provide end-to-end design solution. Get in touch

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What is Included in Advance + Blueprint?

Unlimited Changes
Push Maximum on your design development stage and try mulitple varities of design options

Video Assistance
Our service goes beyond our delivery. Solve site problems over Video or Voice calls with our experts

Complete Print Set
Get your Blueprints home delivered at no extra cost. Now take your discussions on site and ofline.
How will Advance + Blueprint Design help you and your project ?
Advance +
Get Contractors to bid for your project with detailed plans and drawings. Lower your project costs.

Advance +
Predict and Prepare for the perfect season to kickstart your project. Estimate Delivery timelines of every agency involved.
Advance +
Take your Home to the next level by working with Architects to explore multiple dimensions of the project. Make more and Spend Less

Case Studies | Advance Plus Users
Our Power Users of Ongrid's Advance+ Design
Compare Advance + Design Features

15+ Years of Service
Licensed and Certified Professionals with myriad of Design experience in Residential solutions.

Transparent Process
Solutions take time to develop and formulate. Our engagment are easy to understand with 3 essential milestones.

One-time Payment
No hidden charges. Our payment structure is customised for every scale and complexity. Request your quote today.

Quick Turn Around
Say No to lengthy commute and appointments. Now get your home design in weeks not months

Hardcopy Blueprints
Real Projects require sheets of blueprints. We send out fine print of the entire soltution, so you can build offline.

Video Assistance
Stuck, Need help! Our experts are availble online to solve your querries on-demand.
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We take away some of the biggest pain points of traditional local Architect's Design Solutions.