Devghar Design Ideas - Sacred Spaces in Contemporary Living

Are you looking to create a beautiful and peaceful devghar (pooja room) in your modern home? Whether you live in a spacious house or a cosy apartment, having a dedicated space for worship can bring positive energy and spiritual calm to your living environment. In this guide, we'll explore creative and practical devghar design ideas that blend tradition with contemporary style.

Key Takeaways: Designing Your Perfect Devghar



North-east corner is traditional, but any quiet, clean area works.



Even small spaces can be transformed with smart design.


Design Styles

Choose from traditional, modern, or fusion to match your home.



Enhance ambiance with diyas, LEDs, and backlit panels.



Incorporate clever solutions to keep the space organized.



Wood, marble, or engineered materials based on durability and style.


Personalize to reflect your beliefs and family traditions.



Regular cleaning and organization crucial for positive energy.



Incorporate smart lighting, digital prayer books, and audio systems.



Create beautiful devghars on various budgets with creative solutions.

Understanding the Importance of a Devghar 

A devghar, also known as a dev ghar or dev mandir, is a sacred space in Hindu homes dedicated to prayer and meditation. It's where families come together to connect with their spiritual beliefs and perform daily rituals. In today's fast-paced world, having a well-designed devghar can provide a much-needed retreat for peace and reflection.

In Indian homes, the devghar or pooja room is more than just a space; it's a miniature representation of Hindu temples. These sacred spaces allow families to maintain their spiritual practices and traditions, even in small spaces within modern apartments or houses.

Designing Your Devghar: Key Considerations 

1. Location Matters

The placement of your devghar for home is crucial. Traditionally, the north-east corner of the home is considered auspicious. However, if that's not possible, don't worry! The most important thing is to choose a quiet, clean area where you can pray without disturbance.

2. Size Isn't Everything

Many people believe they need a large space for a devghar, but that's not always true. Even a small corner can be transformed into a beautiful sacred space. Here are some ideas for different home sizes:

  • For spacious homes: Consider a separate room for your dev ghar in home.
  • For apartments: A corner of your living room can work well for devghar interior design.
  • For tiny spaces: Wall-mounted devghar designs or even a compact shelf can serve as your sacred space.

For more ideas on maximising small spaces, check out our guide on minimalist living.

3. Choosing the Right Design Style 

Your devghar should reflect both your spiritual needs and your home's overall aesthetic. Let's explore some popular design styles:

Traditional Devghar Designs

For those who love classical Indian aesthetics, a traditional devghar design might be perfect. Think intricate wooden devghar designs, bells, and vibrant colours.

Modern Devghar Ideas

If your home has a contemporary vibe, you might prefer sleek, minimalist devghar furniture. Clean lines, simple colours, and subtle lighting can create a serene atmosphere. For inspiration, explore our modern home pooja room ideas.

Fusion Styles

Why not mix the old with the new? A fusion style combines traditional elements with latest devghar designs for a unique look. Learn more about blending styles in our article on mixing old and new in Indian home design.

4. Incorporating Traditional Mandir Elements 

Even in contemporary homes, many families prefer to include elements of a traditional mandir in their devghar room design. This might include:

  • Ornate domes or shikhara-style roofs
  • Carved pillars or archways
  • Bell or ghanta at the entrance
  • Intricate jali work

These elements can be scaled down to fit smaller spaces while still maintaining their symbolic significance. For more on modern mandir designs, visit our pooja room modern mandir guide.

Practical Tips for Devghar Design 

Lighting: Setting the Right Mood

Good lighting is essential in a devghar. It not only helps you see clearly during rituals but also creates a warm, inviting atmosphere. Consider these options:

  • Diya or oil lamps: Traditional and create a beautiful ambiance
  • LED lights: Energy-efficient and can be used to create a soft glow
  • Backlit panels: Can add a modern touch to your devghar design wooden elements

Pro Tip: Install dimmer switches to adjust the lighting based on the time of day or type of puja.

For more lighting ideas, check out our lighting design guide for pooja rooms and key considerations for interior lighting in Indian homes.

Storage Solutions: Keeping Your Sacred Space Organized

A clutter-free devghar promotes a sense of peace. Here are some storage ideas:

  1. Built-in cabinets: Great for storing larger items
  2. Floating shelves: Perfect for displaying smaller murtis and puja essentials
  3. Drawers: Ideal for keeping items like incense sticks and matchboxes out of sight

Organising Pooja Essentials

Every devghar needs proper storage for pooja essentials. These typically include:

  • Dhoop or incense sticks
  • Oil lamps or diyas
  • Flowers and garlands
  • Holy books or scriptures
  • Bells and chimes
  • Offerings like fruits, sweets, or dry fruits

Consider incorporating small drawers, shelves, or even a dedicated pooja essentials organiser to keep everything tidy and easily accessible.

Materials: Choosing the Right Foundation 

The materials you use in your devghar can significantly impact its look and feel. Some popular options include:

  • Solid wood: Durable and gives a traditional feel to your wooden devghar
  • Engineered wood: More affordable and resistant to weather changes
  • Marble: Adds a touch of luxury and is easy to clean

For more on selecting materials, visit our guide on decor material selection.

Colour Schemes: Promoting Positive Energy

Colours play a crucial role in setting the mood of your devghar. While personal preference is important, here are some colours often associated with spirituality:

  • White: Represents purity and peace
  • Yellow: Symbolises knowledge and learning
  • Red: Associated with strength and power

Devghar Ideas for Different Home Layouts 

Small Pooja Room Designs for Apartments

Many Indian homes, especially in urban areas, face space constraints. However, with clever small pooja room designs, you can create a beautiful devghar even in compact apartments. Here are some ideas:

  1. Wall-mounted units: These take up no floor space and can be quite stylish
  2. Devghar cabinets: Can be closed when not in use, saving space
  3. Corner setups: Utilise often-overlooked spaces in your home
  4. Pooja nooks: Transform a small alcove or unused closet into a dev ghar

Remember, even a small space can become a powerful spiritual focal point with the right design and devotion.

Devghar Designs for Living Rooms

If you're integrating your devghar into your living room, consider these ideas:

  1. Room dividers: Use a beautiful screen to create a separate sacred space
  2. Built-in wall units: Combine your entertainment centre with a devghar unit
  3. Foldable devghar: Can be opened during prayer times and closed when not in use

For innovative wall design ideas, check out our 7 wall design ideas to transform your home.

Devghar Rooms for Large Homes

If you have the luxury of space, why not create a dedicated devghar room? Some ideas:

  1. Temple-style room: Complete with dome-shaped ceilings and intricate carvings
  2. Meditation-focused design: Include comfortable seating for extended prayer sessions
  3. Family-oriented setup: With enough space for everyone to gather during festivals

Budget-Friendly Devghar Ideas 

Creating a beautiful devghar doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some affordable ideas:

  1. DIY devghar units: Use readily available materials to create a unique design
  2. Repurpose furniture: An old bookshelf can become beautiful devghar furniture with some creativity
  3. Focus on essentials: Start with the basics and add decorative elements over time

Maintaining Your Devghar

A clean and well-maintained devghar is crucial for positive energy. Here are some tips:

  1. Daily cleaning: Wipe down surfaces and sweep the floor daily
  2. Weekly deep clean: Once a week, clean all items thoroughly
  3. Proper ventilation: Ensure good air circulation to prevent mustiness
  4. Regular organisation: Keep items in their designated places

Placement of Idols and Murtis

The arrangement of deities in your devghar is an important aspect of Hindu tradition. While practices may vary, here are some general guidelines:

  1. Place the main deity in the centre
  2. Arrange other deities around the main one
  3. Ensure all murtis face east or north
  4. Keep some space between idols for easy cleaning and decoration

Remember: The most important thing is that the arrangement feels right to you and your family.

Incorporating Technology in Modern Devghar Designs 

While traditional elements are important, technology can enhance your spiritual experience:

  1. Smart lighting: Control the ambiance with your smartphone
  2. Digital prayer books: Access scriptures and mantras easily
  3. Bluetooth speakers: Play devotional music or chants

For more on integrating technology in design, explore our article on integrated design and green architecture.

Exploring Devghar Design Options 

Wooden Devghar Designs

Wooden devghar designs are timeless and versatile. From intricate carvings to sleek modern styles, wood can be adapted to suit any home decor. Here are some popular wooden devghar options:

  1. Traditional carved wooden devghar: Featuring intricate designs and motifs
  2. Minimalist wooden mandir: Clean lines and simple shapes for a modern look
  3. Rustic wooden devghar: Using reclaimed or distressed wood for a unique appearance

When considering a wooden devghar, keep in mind factors like the type of wood, finish, and maintenance requirements. The wooden devghar price can vary greatly depending on these factors and the complexity of the design.

Wall-Mounted Devghar Designs

For homes with limited floor space, wall-mounted devghar designs are an excellent solution. These designs save space while still providing a beautiful focal point for your prayers. Some ideas include:

  1. Floating shelf devghar: A simple shelf adorned with religious items
  2. Wall-mounted mandir with doors: Can be closed when not in use
  3. Backlit wall-mounted devghar: Combines storage with atmospheric lighting

Devghar Design in Furniture

Integrating your devghar into existing furniture pieces is a clever way to save space and maintain a cohesive look in your home. Some devghar furniture design ideas include:

  1. Devghar cupboard: A cabinet that opens to reveal a complete prayer space
  2. Bookshelf devghar: Combining storage for books and religious items
  3. TV unit with built-in deoghar: Perfect for living room setups

Traditional Mandir-Inspired Designs

For those who prefer a more classical approach, traditional mandir-inspired designs can be adapted for modern homes. These designs often feature:

  1. Intricate carvings: Depicting deities, flora, and fauna
  2. Ornate domes: Scaled down versions of temple architecture
  3. Traditional colour schemes: Rich reds, golds, and warm woods

When incorporating a traditional mandir design, consider how it will blend with your overall home decor. You might choose to make it a standout feature or find ways to harmonise it with more contemporary elements.

For more design style inspiration, check out our guide on 20 popular design styles.

Inspiration from Deoghar Images 

Looking at deoghar images can provide great inspiration for your own design. Here are some popular styles you might come across:

  1. Marble devghar designs: Elegant and easy to clean
  2. Glass and metal deoghar: Modern and sleek
  3. Colourful painted deoghar: Vibrant and eye-catching
  4. Compact devghar room designs: Showcasing efficient use of small spaces

You can find plenty of home deoghar images and deoghar room design ideas online or in interior design magazines to spark your creativity. Pay attention to how different designs balance aesthetics with functionality, especially in small pooja room designs.

For a unique perspective on design visualisation, explore our article on 3D rendering for interior design.

Shopping for Your Devghar

When it comes to acquiring your devghar, you have several options:

  1. Custom-made: Work with a local artisan or carpenter for a unique piece
  2. Ready-made: Purchase a premade deoghar from a store or online
  3. Devghar online shopping: Many retailers offer a wide range of options you can browse from home

When shopping for a wooden devghar online, be sure to check the dimensions, material quality, and customer reviews before making a purchase.

For a seamless design experience, consider exploring our online interior design features and process.

Conclusion: Creating Your Perfect Devghar 

Designing a devghar for your modern home is about balancing tradition with contemporary living. Whether you opt for a small devghar design or a spacious dev mandir design, the key is to create a space that brings you peace and helps you connect with your spiritual side.

Whether you're designing a devghar for a spacious suburban home or looking for small pooja room designs for a city apartment, the key is to create a space that resonates with your spiritual needs and enhances your home's overall ambiance. By blending elements of traditional Hindu temples with modern design sensibilities, you can create a devghar that serves as a serene retreat within your home, no matter its size.

For those interested in incorporating unique patterns in their devghar design, check out our article on geometric shapes and patterns in Indian interior design.

Remember, the most beautiful dev ghar is one that reflects your devotion and brings peace to your daily life. Whether it's a grand room or a simple shelf, what matters most is the spirit and intention you bring to your sacred space.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Your devghar should reflect your personal beliefs, aesthetic preferences, and lifestyle needs. With the ideas and tips shared in this guide, you're well-equipped to create a beautiful, functional, and spiritually uplifting sacred space in your home.

We'd love to hear about your devghar designs! Share your ideas and experiences in the comments below. And if you found this guide helpful, don't forget to share it with friends and family who might be planning their own devghar designs for home.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified interior designer or spiritual advisor for specific guidance on devghar design and placement.