What to expect when building a house. A 5 Stage Guide
Don't put all your eggs in one basket may be prudent advice when it comes to investments. But when it comes to Real estate, things are a little bit different. You have now moved beyond your idea stage and have clear intentions for building yourself a lovely home.
I have broken down the process into smaller bits that will help you identify various stages and professionals to complete the journey with ease.
At the end of the article, there is a downloadable pdf to explain the same in a fish-bone diagram. Before you skim to the bottom, read the bits of explaining for better understanding.

Planning Stage :
It is in this stage that you need to assess the Finance, Legal and your development plan. It will involve speaking with your accountant or just some old school arithmetics to overview your budget and funding. Acquire all relevant Legal Documents related to the property ( Click here, to know the documents required before construction.)
Your goals may vary when it comes to land/ property. It can be a project for new development, re-development of the home or part renovation. Being sure of what will meet your needs in the foreseeable future is necessary for assessing the level of development.

Determine Stage :
Real-estate projects involve a various set of skillsets and expertise. I advise seeking professional support before taking on the risks of development. Let us explore the possible help available.
Start with your Architect, involving a professional from the planning stage can aid in cost-saving measures and quicker completions. Seek consultancy in Construction, Budgeting and Building Control Regulations. Spend time in customising the blueprint to meet your lifestyle requirements and maximising the plot utilisation.

Construction Stage :
It is in best practise to source materials and skills of construction labour locally. It can help with lower costing and ease the availability of materials. The contractor needs to follow the blueprint and cross-check its progress. Make sure the contractors have their scope of work defined and live up to timeline commitments.
Seek the Architects consultancy in any changes that you wish to incorporate. It will enable you to fully grasp the impact—saving you costly redos in the construction phase.
Site work requires the continuous provision of water and electricity. Borewells water usage for construction is illegal in most cities, seek local municipal clearances. Ensure the workers are in safety gear and clear the minimum safety mandate. It will keep you on the right side of the law.
If workers use the site as a resting place, make sure bio-waste as a safe and hygienic disposal system. Ask your contractor to provide for the same; this will keep your property clean.

Supervision Stage :
Your home will undergo multiple stages of construction, some of the crucial ones are,
- Excavation
- Slab Work on every Floor
- Plastering
- Finishing Work
- Paint Work
Discuss with your professional and seek advice on the best practices during the stages mentioned above. Every site is different, and yours could have multiple sets ongoing simultaneously.
Selection of materials with ISI certification, following the construction methods prescribed by experts, will save you expensive repairs in the long term.
Moving In :
Yes, you are finally there, all the months of hard work and your house are ready. Before you decide to move-in and relocate, make sure you have the Occupancy Certificate or Completion Certificate from the local authorities.
Check for drinkable water quality with tests and ensure you have a fully subscribed electrical connectivity. Testing all drain points for ease of flow is crucial too.
Finally, get a team to deep clean your home. It will remove unwanted dust, pollens and allergens—Pat yourself on the back for successfully making your dream a reality.
If you have found our articles helpful in your journey or aspects of them, do let us know.
Other Articles that may interest you :
- Checklist to build a house in India
- How to decide on a good Layout for your home?
- 25 Common terms
- Building Codes Regulation
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New home 🏘️
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